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Men + Leggings = ?

Leggings are quite popular garment these days.

Comfortable, stretchy, good for working out or lying in the sofa while watching Netfix.

But who are leggings for?

Who do we see wearing leggins?


well, not anymore!

More and more brands started selling meggings - leggings functionally and aesthetically tailored to the male physique. Brands like Kapow Meggings promote self-expression by playing with pattern and colour:

'We don’t just sell these bad boys. We live them. Join the Kapow crew and help us bring the mother flippin’ good times.'


But do we really need to change a name of a product to sell it to men? Why cannot men and women wear leggings?

Why do we need to divide into groups instead of being one big community without division and limits?

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